IMPORTANT (PLEASE READ!): Some crates contain boosts and potions. Boosts are applied automatically, while potions are stored in your inventory for later use. You can scroll the inventory with 1-3 keys and drink potions using E. And please play in FULLSCREEN.

VOLUME WARNING: The music can be quite loud and I recommend playing on low volume (5-10 volume).

NOTE: Click to start if the screen says "ready to play".

A game about finding a SECRET hidden key and escaping a secret castle. The game has a tutorial, so check that out. Have fun!

Credits for assets used:

This game uses the amazing asset pack made by anokolisa.

This game uses the Yoster Island font made by codeman38 (

This game uses UI made by

Cover was made by


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Very happy to work with you on this project's BGM. I hope everyone who plays it gets to enjoy it as much as I have.

thanks for the music, it goes really well with the game!


Very fun idea, a lot faster paced than I expected when I first saw hiding in crates. It feels like maybe if the enemies wandered off or lost track of you it would be a bit easier to use the hiding mechanic to your advantage especially because of how fast you suffocate. Overall a really neat project, with a little tuning and balancing this makes for a great arcade game.

As the BGM composer for this game, I want to say I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Nice work! Fun game!

As the music composer, I want to say thanks for your time. It was extremely fun writing for this project.